System Modeling Exercise II
Due: 11th October 1999
Your team of consultants is asked to create a class diagram for Maple Leaf Airlines from the following description given to you. You need to design a class diagram with classes, attributes, relevant associations between classes and methods within these classes for the airline company. The assignment should be done using the OMT diagrams in System Architect
Note: The drawing conventions in the textbook differ from the convention followed in System Architect. Therefore, please take care in creating the appropriate associations between classes.
Problem Description
The management of Maple Leaf Airlines wishes to have an information system that administers the booking of its flights in the Ontario-Quebec area. The company schedules a number of flights between its Toronto base and the surrounding cities in one type of commuter plane, which contains no more than 20 seats. The system will be operated by booking clerks that will either take flight bookings over the phone or at the airport.
The system should allow a booking clerk to book a flight and a seat for a particular passenger. The passenger will provide his or her name, their address, their phone number, the flight date, and the flight required (destination and time). The booking is then made and the customer provided with the flight and seat number of his or her flight.
The system should allow a booking clerk to provide a listing of passengers who are currently booked on a flight. The clerk should provide the flight number, the seat and its date.
The system should allow a booking clerk to cancel a particular flight that has already been booked for a particular customer. To cancel a booking the customer should provide the flight number, the date of the flight, and his or her name.
The system should keep a list of customers who fly the airline so that advertising material can be sent out with the latest offers.
The system should keep details of flights that are scheduled for up to 150 days into the future. On average, the airline schedules ten flights per day.
Flight numbers are unique for a particular day. For example, although there might be a flight MA014 each day, there will be no two occurrences of that flight on any given day.
A customer might call to notify a change of address or phone number. He or she might also call to check a booking previously made.
The system will operate from 6 AM to 11PM. At the end of the day, there will be a purging of the consumer file. Likewise, a flight record will be archived after the flight has taken off on the day following the flight. An automatic overnight process will load the flight details.
Using System Architect you should:
All the attributes should have definitions to facilitate consistency and clarity.
You should use the Description sub-window to give a short description of what the method does. Keep the description concise and clear. In most classes, it is common to have basic services (methods) for validation, creation, deletion, and amendment. You need to include these basic methods in the class definition but you do NOT need to describe these methods.
For this exercise you have to hand in:
Two-hour blocks of time will be scheduled for the TA to be present in the ELC cluster to answer questions regarding the object models. The actual times will be posted on the course web page. You can also contact Anand (anandg@andrew) at 8-7421 if you have any questions.