物理学(ぶつ、り、がく)= physics; 用語(よう、ご)= terminology; 力学(りき、がく)= dynamics/mechanics; 電磁気学(でん、じ、き、がく)= electromagnetism; 問題(もん、だい)= problem/question; 解答(かい、とう)= solution; 熱(ねつ)= heat; エネルギー= energy; 光学(こう、がく)= optics; 電気(でん、き)= electricity; 波動(は、どう)= wave motion; 相対性理論(そう、たい、せい、り、ろん) = the theory of relativity; 音(おと)= sound
質量(しつ、りょう)= mass; 物体(ぶっ、たい)= an object/body; 初速(しょ、そく)= the starting velocity; 水平面(すい、へい、めん)= the horizontal; θ(シータ)= theta; 角度(かく、ど)= angle; 空中に(くう、ちゅう)= in the air; 投げ出す(な、だ)= to project/thow outward; 最高(さい、こう)で= at the most/highest; メートル= meter; 落下地点(らっ、か、ち、てん)= the falling point; 投射地点(とう、しゃ、ち、てん)= the projection point; 距離(きょ、り)= distance; 落下する= to fall; 重力(じゅう、りょく)= gravity; 加速度(か、そく、ど)= acceleration; 空気(くう、き)= air; 摩擦(ま、さつ)= friction; 無視する(む、し)= to ignore; 力学的エネルギー保存則(りき、がく、てき;ほ、ぞん、そく)= the law of conservation of mechanical energy
Problem) An object with the mass m[kg] has been projected at the starting speed υ0[m/s] at the angle θ with respect to the horizontal. Now,
(1) How high will the object reach at the most?
(2) What is the distance between the starting point and the falling point?
(3) What is the speed of the object when it has fallen on the ground?
Note: Assume that the acceleration of gravity is g[m/s2], and that the firction of the air can be ignored.
Clue: Use the conservation law of mechanical energy.
The following is a sample solution.
ただし、 抵抗R1=2Ω、 抵抗R2=3Ω、 電池E=10Vとし、 電流計の抵抗はゼロ、 電圧計の抵抗は無限大とみなされるものとする。
右(みぎ)= right; 図(ず)= figure; 回路(かい、ろ)= circuit; 電流計(でん、りゅう、けい)= ammeter; アンペア= ampere; 電圧計(でん、あつ、けい)= voltmeter; ボルト= volt; 示す(しめ)= to show; 抵抗(てい、こう)= resistor; オーム= ohm; 電池(でん、ち)= battery/cell; みなす= to assume
Problem) In the figure on the right,
(1) How many amperes does the ammeter A show?
(2) How many volts does the voltmeter V show?
Note: Assume Registor R1 = 2Ω, Registor R2 = 3Ω, and Battery E = 10V. Assume also that the registance of the ammeter is zero, and that that of the voltmeter is infinity.
The following is a sample solution:
(1)オームの法則により、 E=I(R1+R2)。それゆえ、