Senior Studio: Section A
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51-403 Section A, Fall 1999
Digital Notepad
supported by IBMŐs Advanced Internet Technology Group

    Sample report

Week X


Based on the 3 initial design ideas we presented this week, we conducted informal user interviews. We'll also tried to find out if there are any technological difficulties for implementing these ideas. The main goal was to select one design solution among these 3 ideas.

We selected the idea #2 as our final design solution, based on the feed back we received from potential users.

Time spent
Jane and Jack: Prepared interview questions. 1h each
Jane and Jack: Interviewed potential users. 4h each
Tom and Mary: Technical feasibility study. 5h each
All. Discussion. 3h each
All. Report preparation. 1h each.

Next Step:
We will detail the solution #2.

Tom and Jane: Bring 3-5 possible forms for the device. 5h each.
Mary and jack: Design the graphical user interface. 5h each.
All. Discussion 3h each.
All. Report preparation 1h each.

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