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Team KiCK iT: First Iteration of ConceptWe began be re-evaluating out team direction to focus on a more personal direction.Initial refinement of the Kickit "Kick Tech" concept.The "Kick Tech" concept has evolved into a more "experience related" product.The general idea has been refined to that of a product which focuses on the recording, real-time transfer, sharing and storing of video and audio information. This product in intended to be customizable and directed towards busy families and families with working parents. Each family member will have a personal hand-held device which can connect to a main server in the house called the "Home". Here they can send, store, and share family data in a connected digital network. The product can allow individual members to choose which pieces of information they wish to share and which will be under their own private directories for personal use. Families can connect with other families, or other family members by sharing access to folders and directories from the Home system. This will allow for both real-time information transfer and saved messages. It is possible that a secondary program could be used to access the home from a personal computer for editing or additional viewing. The purpose of this device is to provide a tool for emotional connection and the organization and sharing of experiences. Kick Tech also strives to be useful, purposeful, and avoid becoming another technological "gadget" by allowing for usablility adaption in "the real world" and providing the efficiency of G3 technology. Exploration of what Kick Tech could do, should do, and will do. Explorations into interaction. Explorations into form development. Deliverables for A3 Link to your .pdf file here. . . Copyright 2001 Carnegie Mellon University. September, 2001. |