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Design Intervention
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Overview of Final Product
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Final Presentation
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Team KiCK iT Design Process
Refined Scenarios
Situation 1: Accepting a real-time video message Batman's daughter is sending him a live video feed message Steps of interaction involved:
1. Kick Tech will alert Batman to a message through a personalized sound (light?). 2. Kick Tech will show an interface icon informing Batman that the incoming message is the following:
A. From his daughter, Britney B. Requesting a real-time communication through video and audio C. Cannot be recorded D. Give him the option to accept or decline the communication E. Give him the option to communicate only by audio
3. To accept his daughter's message, Batman indicates to Kick Tech that he will accept a real-time message from her 4. The screen menu opens and Britney is real-time on the screen of Kick Tech. 5. Because Batman does not have the earpieces removed from the Kick Tech, audio comes from the unit itself (instead of through the earpieces only). 6. Batman ensues brief conversation with Britney, complete with tone, facial expression, and spontaneity. 7. When conversation is over, Batman informs Kick Tech to "hang up". 8. Kick Tech's Screen indicates that it has hung up and goes back to a "stand by" status screen.
Situation 2: Recording an asynchronous video message Batman is recording a message for Mrs. Wayne Steps of interaction involved:
1. Batman selects the module for recording a message. 2. He does not want the camera to shake too much, so he decides to set the Kick Tech at a good angle on the desk in front of him. 3. He removes the stylus from the Kick Tech. 4. Preparing himself for a good presentation, he then presses the "start record" button on the stylus of the Kick Tech. 5. A light comes on the side of the Kick Tech screen, indicating that it is recording now. 6. Batman addresses the screen and records the message to his wife. 7. When his message is ended, Batman presses the button on the stylus once more to end recording. 8. To be sure that he is satisfied with the important message, Batman selects the icon to preview the message before he decides to send it. 9. He watches the clip and judges it is professional enough. 10. Batman goes to his message menu and selects to whom on his "buddy list" he wishes to send the message to. 11. He selects Mrs. Wayne from his personal menu and also selects when he wants the message to be sent to him. (He prefers to get his messages at his lunch break). 12. Batman presses the icon to send the letter at the appointed time to Mrs. Wayne. 13. Batman then closes all menus and goes back to his paperwork.
Situation 3: Taking and sending a still frame image Britney wants to send a still image to brother Steps of interaction involved:
1. Britney doesn't have time to write out all the homework for Gokou, who is sick from class that morning. 2. She quickly selects the icon for capturing a still image. 3. Putting the Kick Tech to her line of sight, she presses the "capture" button and snaps a picture of the chalkboard where the homework assignment and some notes are written. 4. Britney then selects the messaging option on her Kick Tech. 5. She selects Gokou from her personal buddy list. 6. Britney selects the image and sends it to his Kick Tech device at home. 7. Turning it off, she is already on her way to her next class.
Situation 4: Editing with text/drawing a previously saved and stored still image Britney wants to edit a still image with text and "doodles" to her brother Steps of interaction involved:
1. Britney searches her personal folders for a saved image of her brother to edit. 2. She selects one through a preview thumbnail and brings it up on the screen to edit. 3. Britney selects the stylus edit mode. 4. She proceeds to write and draw on the still image. 5. Satisfied with her humor, she selects the messaging mode. 6. Britney selects Gokou from her personal buddy list. 7. She selects the newly edited image and sends it off to Gokou's Kick Tech to receive. 8. She lets the Kick Tech return to a standby mode as she returns to paying attention to her classwork.
Situation 5: Accepting an audio-only message Gokou is receiving an audio-only message from his mother Steps of interaction involved:
1. A light or tone from the Kick Tech has indicated to Gokou that he has a message waiting for him. 2. Looking at the screen of his Kick Tech, the icon indicates it is a waiting audio-message from his mother. 3. Because his friends are around, he doesn't want to be embarrassed by a call from his mother. He decides to be discreet about the message by using the audio earpiece in his Kick Tech. 4. Removing the earpiece from the harbor inside the Kick Tech, he places it on his left ear. 5. Gokou then indicates on the screen that the message can be played. 6. He listens through the headpiece to the saved audio message. 7. When he is done, he has the option to save the message. Since he doesn't need it anymore, he deletes it with a touch on the screen. 8. Taking the earpiece off of his ear, he then replaces it in the harbor of the Kick Tech device. 9. He puts the Kick Tech back on standby mode and goes on with his day.
Situation 6: Saving audio-only files to the Kick Tech device Gokou wants to save some audio information on his device to listen to later Steps of interaction involved:
1. Gokou selects the audio option from the Kick Tech menu. 2. He selects on "record audio" and selects to save the audio to his device. 3. Removing the stylus from his Kick Tech device, he sets the Kick Tech on his desk. 4. Pressing "start" on the stylus once, he begins audio recording. 5. After a bit of time, the Kick Tech's light starts flashing, indicating that the file will take up a large amount of memory. 6. Satisfied that he caught enough of the lecture on audio, he presses the button again to stop recording. 7. He indicates where in his files he wants to keep the audio and saves it to that area. He can go back and listen to the notes later when he tries to do the homework assignment. 8. Gokou then puts the Kick Tech back on standby.
Situation 7: Receiving image and audio simultaneously Mrs. Wayne receives a picture and audio message from her mother Step of interaction involved:
1. Kick Tech's personalized tone indicates to Mrs. Wayne that she has an incoming message. 2. Looking at the icons on the screen, she sees that it is from her mother, who is sending her an audio clip and a still picture file. 3. Mrs. Wayne removes the audio earpiece from the shell of the Kick Tech and puts it in her ear. 4. She then indicates that she is ready to accept the message. 5. The picture file comes up on the screen, and the audio file is played in the earpiece for her to hear. 6. When it is done, Mrs. Wayne chooses to save the image file, but not the audio. 7. She deletes the audio by dropping its icon into the waste bin. She then moves the image icon into her saved image folder of choice. 8. Deciding that she should share the image with her family, she sends it to the hub so that everyone can view it. On their own devices, an icon will appear letting them know a new family file is in one of the Hub's shared folders. 9. Mrs. Wayne then sets her Kick Tech back on standby and goes about her day.
Situation 8: Recording a video file to edit and send Mrs. Wayne wants to film Gokou's martial arts test to share with the family Steps of interaction involved:
1. Mrs. Wayne selects the video menu on her Kick Tech device. 2. She selects the mode which will allow her to record video data. 3. To be more discreet, Mrs. Wayne decides to film through the camera on the video earpiece. She removes the earpiece from the shell of the Kick Tech and places it in her ear. 4. Taking out the stylus, she waits until it is Gokou's turn to present. 5. When Gokou begins to present his forms, she presses the "start" button on the stylus and watches his movement, following as he moves with her head and line of sight slightly. 6. When he is finished, and has been awarded his belt, she presses the stylus button again indicating for recording to stop. 7. After the test is all over, Mrs. Wayne films her son as he adds a greeting to his grandfather in Florida. 8. Taking the belt test file, she saves it to the family folder on the hub for them all to watch later in the evening. 9. She also then brings up her buddy list and selects on Grandpa. She sends him the same saved belt test file and the extra file of Gokou saying hello and talking to him. 10. Once she has completed this she rejoins the earpiece and stylus to the Kick Tech and puts it on standby mode once again. .. Copyright 2001 Carnegie Mellon University. September, 2001. |