The scenario covers several key aspects of digital experiences

Supports the whole person
Personal Interests

Multiple Sensory Input/Output

Netscape Partnering with other Businesses
"A" list of vendors that PEPE draws from

Merging Physical and Digital
Community Building


Netcenter Scenario: A Day in the Life of Chuck, Furniture Salesman

Chuck is a furniture salesman. He is married and has a daughter. He travels often and is proud to be one of the top salesman for his company. Netscape's customizable features provide Chuck with an immersive experience through the following principles:

Customizable Desktop
Chuck's desktop uses the features below to customize his desktop which provides him with links to usergroups (i.e. salesmen, retailers, suplliers), weather and travel, and stock information. The look and feel, and usability of the desktop is comfortable to Chuck, because he "designed" it to suit his needs. Because he is often on the road and away from his family, Chuck has also uploaded family photographs to display on his space.

Chuck wakes up in a hotel in Washington D.C., still groggy from a night of entertaining his clients. He turns on his laptop, and dials into the site.

Site gives him messages (voice, email, faxes), gives him news, weather, information from his planner relevant to his meetings for the day.

Goes to audio mode and listens to it as he gets ready for the day.

Gets dressed, ready to leave and pays his bill. Looks at the route he is going to take for the whole day. Shows him the route, and couple places to stop, including a good Cajun place because he likes Cajun. Also send s a reminder to the person he is meeting for lunch.

Jumps in car, heads out. Connects laptop to car, cell phone. Returns some calls. Calls up site to play some classical CD's interfaces with car audio system.

While he's listening, gets a message from system telling him that the price of mahogany has dropped, so that he can factor this into his business decisions.

Meets with an office manager that is moving offices to a larger location. Do a quick needs assessment. Tells her he will get back to her. Goes back to his laptop and calls up his assistant. He then builds a website that puts together a proposal with all the criteria and some personal anecdotes for the office manager.

Gets in the car, takes off. Calls woman and tells her to go to the site. She's impressed. He also confirms his hotel reservation for the next evening.

Driving along, starts getting a little tired, so calls up a quiz game - You Don't Know Jack to keep him from falling asleep.

Next stop is lunch is with someone he met in a chat room.

After a couple more meetings, he stops at a cafe. As he is surfing, he gets a notice that his daughter is online at the same time he is - would he like to talk to her? He contacts her, and she tells him she got an A on her exam. He is pleased and tells her he will get her something as a reward - what would she like? She asks for a Goojiae-Juuba, and he feigns knowledge of teens popular culture. When he gets off, he instructs his agent to get one of these - and if it comes in green, get that.

Goes to the hotel and hangs out for a while. He posts his latest poem to the poetry group, makes some comments on other's poems,a and finds out that Sheamus Heany is going to be hosting the show on Thursday night. Tells agent to make a reminder for him about this.

Orders dinner from the Korean take-out place that PEPE suggests. He then meets his wife online and they watch star maps together, cuddled around their respective laptops.