Background The WorkBook is a high-quality, full-color, 2-volume reference set of photographer's and illustrator's work. It includes beautifully produced samples of their work as well as contact information and Web site listings--it is a valued tool in the advertising and design fields.
Last week, while checking my physical mail at work, I received the postcard below. I was excited about visiting the site for two reasons. First, I wanted to see how they had converted a printed piece to a web site. Second, I was interested in seeing how they represented the work--how would they present the artists portfolios? Could I use this site to further my research about interactive portfolios? Before I knew it this postcard had taken me through all the stages of attention . . . below I've mapped what I experienced to each stage of attention.
Attraction I was attracted to the postcard by the Workbook's name recognition, the Hi-Fi green color and the simple design. It seemed to capture the relevant points in a concise manner.
Orientation I was able to quickly understand/orient myself in relation to the postcard's message. I understood how I should react to this postcard--I needed only to review the benefits and type in the URL and begin exploring.
Compelling/appropriate experience What compelled me to visit the site? Curiosity. I wanted to see how they put all those illustrators and photographers on-line. What was the navigation like? How did they organize the site? Who was in this years book? I found this to be a site of encylopedic proportions. The Web site not only shows the same information as the book it also has links to Web sites created by the photographer or illustrator, providing a greater depth of information.
Retention This site held my retention for a brief time and then I realized I could be here for hours, so before I became to immersed I bookmarked the site and moved on to some other work. I filed it in my Netscape bookmark folders under photography and under interactive portfolios. I have since returned to benchmark the features of the site for my interactive portfolios project.
Extension/Leverage This site will be a valued reference just like the book has been. In addition to buying photography or illustration services, I'll also use the site to find visual references. I'd suggest visiting the WorkBook On-Line Web site to my colleagues.
Social Reputation The WorkBook On-Line Web site continues the professional reputation established by book. I was always impress with the sales staff and even after transferring to different jobs they ensured that I received these valuable books. The Workbook On-Line is as well organized and navigable a product as the book has always been.
Increasing Returns Because, I have grown to rely on the WorkBook, in physical form, and will most likely grow to rely on the WorkBook On-Line Web site, I will continue to use it as a tool and recommend it to my colleagues throughout my career.