Homework # 2 Database Jobs Due: 1/30/2001 |
70-455 Information Resources Management 1/23/2001 50 points |
Go to a web-based job posting service (for example, Monster or Hot Jobs) and do a search for jobs that contain the word "database". You can specify other criteria if you would like or can even just search the classified ads in a Sunday Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Your goal is to identify five jobs with different titles and at different organizations that include database in their description. At least one should have "database" in the job title, but that is not a requirement for the other four. Print, copy, or cut and paste these five job descriptions to turn in.
For each of the jobs that you found:
Identify the role or roles someone in that job would have on a database development team. The roles on page 51 of the text can be used as a starting point, but other roles are possible.
Using the information engineering planning phases in table 2-1 (p. 40) and the system development lifecycle (SDLC) phases in figure 2-4 (p. 45) identify those activities on which someone in that job would participate.
Review the syllabus for the course and identify any additional material that would have to be covered in order to meet the database-related requirements of the position. If additional material isn't needed, indicate that.
Again, from any source, find a description of a job for which you would be interested in applying. Print, copy, or cut and paste this job description to turn in.
For the job you would like:
Identify the role you would have on a database development team.
Identify the information engineering planning and SDLC phases on which you would participate.
Review the syllabus and identify any additional material that would have to be covered in order to meet the database-related requirements of the position.
The information on roles and phase participation can be presented as a simple table for all six jobs.
Based on what you found while completing this exercise, analyze the following. (You may want to look at job listings other than the ones turned in.):
1. number of jobs that require some knowledge of databases
2. different levels of knowledge required
3. why do different jobs require different knowledge?
4. why is at least some database knowledge required of so many jobs?
For each database job (5):
role(s) - 2 points
phases - 3 1/2 points
additional material - 1 point
For your desired job (1):
role(s) - 2 points
phases - 3 1/2 points
additional material - 2 points
Analysis - 10 points
Turn In: The six job descriptions and your typed analysis that addresses all of the items mentioned above.