Percentage difference in weekly wages at 90th and
10th percentiles, 1963-1994
earnings premium, 1963-1994
Source: Peter Gottschalk, “Inequality, Income
Growth, and Mobility: The Basic Facts, Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Vol. 11(2), Spring 1997
degree vs. high school diploma weekly wage ratio, 1963-2008
Source: David Autor, “The Polarization of Job
Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market,” The Hamilton Project, 2010
graduation rate of 25-29 year olds, 1947-2009
Source: 1947,and
1952 to 2002 March Current Population Survey, 2003 to 2009 Annual Social and
Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey
and private tuition and fees, constant (2010) $, 1964-2009
Source: Digest of Education Statistics: 2010
at degree granting institutions (millions), 1947-2009
Source: Digest of Education Statistics: 2010