Klepper, Economics
73-100, Fall 2011
Last season a
of the following statements concerning this situation are correct? Mark true for a correct answer and false for
an incorrect one and provide explanations for each of your answers.
_____1. The theatre would have decreased its revenues if it had charged a price less than $35 per ticket.
_____2. The theatre would have increased its revenues by charging a price of over $35 per ticket.
_____3. The fact that the theatre just sold out implies that at a price of $35 per ticket the price elasticity of demand equaled one.
_____4. If the price elasticity of demand for plays were less than one, the theatre would have increased its total revenues by charging a price greater than $35 (by a small amount).
_____5. If the price elasticity of
demand for plays were greater than one, the theatre would have increased its
revenues by charging a price less than $35 (by a small amount).