My rewrite policy is this: I will allow one post-grade rewrite per student, UPON REQUEST, for summary or synthesis-analysis papers that are marked with grades of D or lower. This excludes the final paper, which cannot be revised post-grade. As the final paper is representative of cumulative effort and learning to that point, and students should be prepared by then for the kind of critical reading that I do, it stands to reason that the final paper should stand as a final effort to that point. Further, there's just no time to revise the final papers before the final grades are due.
Obviously, as papers of C or above are excluded from rewriting for a changed grade, the rewrites can never put a student's post-graded, rewritten paper above a C grade, as this would be unfair to those receiving that grade the first time around. Nevertheless, as students who are rewriting have to put much additional effort into achieving the C grade, I feel it is fair to the C grades to allow this possibility of Ds or below finally reaching the C grade. Likewise, the student is rewriting to achieve a C grade only, for that particular paper. Again, only one post-grade rewrite per student is allowed.