English 332 Syllabus, fall 1999


Week 1 (Aug. 24-26): ‘Enter Ghost’: The Preternatural in Hamlet and Early Modern Culture

Week 2 (Aug. 31-Sep. 2): ‘Shaping Fantasy’ in Hamlet

Week 3 (Sep. 7-9): Religious Marvels and Reformation Battle over Wonders

Week 4 (Sep. 14-16): The Poetics of the Marvelous: Aristotle Meets Bacon

Week 5 (Sep. 21-23): Science of the Unknown: Wonders and the New Philosophy

-- Take Home assignment due Sep. 23rd

Week 6 (Sep. 28-30): Monstrous Births and the Meaning of Prodigies

Week 7 (Oct. 5-7): Cozening with the Marvelous: Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist

Week 8 (Oct. 12-14): Rogues, Beggars, and Tricksters

Week 9 (Oct. 19-21): The Wonders of Magnetism

-- Essay due October 19th

Week 10 (Oct. 26-28): Seeing the Unseen: The Invisible World of Tiny Things

Week 11 (Nov. 2-4): Modest Wonder: The Royal Society and the Culture of Learned Restraint

Week 12 (Nov. 9-11): Collections and Miscellanies: Singular Possessions

Week 13 (Nov. 16-18): Literary Marvels: The Faerie Queene

Week 14 (Nov. 23-25): The Faerie Queene Continued

Week 15 (Nov. 30-Dec. 2): Charmed Worlds: Margaret Cavendish’s Scientific Utopia

Week 16 (Dec. 7-9): Finals Week

-- Final essay due December 10th