Searching for memos

The Senator John Heinz Archive

      1997 John Heinz had a long history in the U.S. Congress: 5 years in the House of Representatives (1971-76) and then 15 years in the Senate (1977-91). His immediate interests related to international trade and finance, health care, environment, and the elderly were reflected by his service on the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Governmental Affairs Committee, and Special Committee on Aging.

      Over one-half of the 545 boxes comprising his senate material have been digitized with World Wide Web access currently provided to over 200,000 pages. HELIOS is one of the largest digital archiving projects in this country, the first for a member of the U.S. Senate, and a significant achievement for the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and its Archives Department.

      To specify a search for memos on the CLARITweb: Search page, select the Limit Search button. Under Document Type, select "Memorandum", a category which includes memos, briefs, comments, Dear Colleague evaluations, Decision/Action requests, and notes. To further limit the search to only memos To or rom Senator Heinz, select "Yes" under Principle Persona. The memos of about thirty Legislative Assistants over the fifteen-year period are represented in the archive. Please consult the on-line Senate Finding Aid Appendices at: to determine the names of staffers, their committee service, subject areas, and length of service. The sample memos that have been provided are from this collection. To access the digital collection, go to: on the Web.