Video Presentation
Brief Instructions for Video Presentations:
- Plan your five minute talk.
- Prepare handouts for the audience (no more than 2 pages, 4 sides).
Include an outline of your talk in the handout, along with a copy of at least one of your transparencies.
- Prepare one to three graphics as transparencies. Make sure the headings and labels are correct and legible.
If font size is below 14 points (some say 18 points), it will not be legible.
- Refer to your handouts during the presentation.
- Refer to your graphics during the presentation by physically pointing to a large screen or using the shadow
of a sharpened pencil on the transparency in front of you.
- Make and maintain eye contact with your audience.
- Begin and end on time.
You will be judged on the following:
- Significance of topic. Was an important trend identified, with its policy implications?
- Clarity of presentation. Was the argument clear? Was the language well-chosen?
- Delivery. Was the speaker's voice audible? Did the speaker look at the audience?
- Use of media. Were the graphics and handouts important to the presentation? Were they used well?
- Respect for time constraints. Was the pace of the presentation reasonable ? Did the presenter end on time?