Post-Mill. Perspectives on Gender Roles 

John Berger, Ways of Seeing (1972).

The evidence from art history shows what different presence man and women have. 

Men act, women appear objects to be seen. Hence the differences between male and
female nudes

More recent accounts of advertising have developed these claims in great detail. 


Three Essays on Sexuality (1905)

"We might lay it down that the sexuality of little girls is of a wholly masculine
character. Indeed if we were able to give a more definite connotation to the
concepts of 'masculine' and 'feminine', it would even be possible to maintain
that libido is invariably and necessarily of a masculine nature, whether it
occurs in men or in women and irrespectively of whether its object is a man or a

Libido= the quantity of psychic energy devoted to sexual objects

Here we take out of context one definition from a complex theory.

Freud translated Mill's The Subjection... into German. In a letter to the book to
his future wife Freud said:

"The management of a house, the care and bringing up of children, demand the
whole of a human being and almost excludes any earning... He had simply forgotten
all that, like everything else concerning the relationship between the sexes."

And added:

"If ...I imagined my sweet girl as a competitor it would only end in my telling
her...that I am fond of her and that I implore her to withdraw from the strife
into the calm uncompetitive activity of the home.... I believe that all reforming
action in law and education would break down in front of the fact that... Nature
has determined woman's destiny through beauty, charm, and sweetness."

This was written in 1880, before the development of psychoanalysis. A number of
women played an important role in that discipline, including one of Freud's
daughters, Anna, who was encouraged by him to become an important original