I. Mill Ch. IV
A. Why change benefits everyone
B. Man's belief in his own superiority
1. Feudalism as model
C. Benefits of Change
1. Chivalry
D. Reciprocity as an Ideal
1. Utopian
2. Power over Others is Evil
E. Criticism of Mill
1I. Does he neglect the importance of Political Manipulation?
A. Mill the radical
III. Mill versus Nietzsche
A. History as Progress
B. Role of Argument
C. Functions of Moral Argument
1. Comparison: Racism
D. Rights, Consensus Relativism
IV. Cornel West: The philosopher as activist
A. Seeking moral change
A. A task for philosophy?
1. The Model of Mill
2. The Contrast with Rawls
B. A complex introduction
C. Nietzsche's influence
1. West's Genealogies
2. Nietzsche's own racism
V. Westıs Preface
A. Politics of urban crime