Mill versus Nietzsche
For Nietzsche the history undermines the present institutions
	Mill also is interested in history, 
But for him it is the basis of arguing for moral change
	He wants to build on the past

Mill and Nietzsche agree that the past has often been terrible
	From this evidence they draw different lessons


For Mill the claims of rationality, human self realization lead to a morally
based demand for change
Nietzsche cannot make any such point 
For him the historical analysis leads to questioning of such ideals
	Nietzsche can imagine fearful struggles, but not any improvement

	Mill by contrast is really an optimist about historical change, which he
thinks can bring improvement 
History for him is the story of progress 

All the comparisons of women's present situation to slavery and absolute monarchy
depend upon that claim
	Nietzsche uses history a different way. To show that present practices do not
represent progress

For Mill there is a human nature
	something we might be, 
	and therefore should aim for 
as we saw, his argument about this claim is problematic

For Nietzsche there is none, only the product of a history which his genealogy
can recover
	Mill's view of a harmonious marriage could not, I think, mean anything to 