Genealogy of Morals The basic structure of the book lst essay. What is a genealogy. Why are genealogies relevant Morality as a way of interpreting history Good/bad and good/evil. A genealogical analysis explaining the difference between these oppositions The self deception of Christian morality 2nd essay. Interpreting Genesis 2 Punishment and original sin A radical new reading of a Christian sacred text. The story of the Garden of Eden interpreted by an atheist How Nietzsche would overcome this Christian tradition 3rd. The problem of nihilism. Or, how can we interpret How can an analysis like this one be justified What perspectivism is How knowledge of history is possible if perspectivism is true Nietzsche's book is best read as odd (atheistic) rereading of scripture It is a study of morality deeply inspired by Christianity. Inspired to the point of atheism!