The Divided Brain Right Hemisphere Sees one side of retinal images Speechless, but understands speech--------- controls Left side of body corpus callosum (link between hemispheres) Left Hemisphere--------------------controls Right side of body Sees other side of retinal images Has speech Results of cutting corpus callosum. 1. Breakdown of co-ordinated action 2. Breakdown of co-ordinated knowledge For example, when orange flashed to left retina, apple to right, left hand grasps apple; right, orange. The person with corpus callosum is ? 1. 2 people co-operating closely? 2. 1 1/2 people (One with speech, the other speechless)? All of us with intact corpus callosum are? 1. 2 people co-operating, unaware of co-operating? Or? Are we like two people who together to row a boat, so well co-ordinated so as to never come into conflict?