Monday 5 February
I. A look back at the madman
II. 3rd Meditation
A. Cartesian Circle
B. Classification of thoughts.
C. Ideas
1. clear and distinct
D. Ideas as Representations
1. How Ideas are True
2. 2 Arguments
3. Are ideas pictures?
E. Hobbes' Objection
1. Nature of Representation
F. object/idea dualism
1. The Difference
2. The Connection
3. Skepticism Revisited
4. Descartes view of 'Reality'
G. From ideas to theology
H. Vico (if time)
III. God
A. Existence
1. Argument from Representation
2. Problem of evil
B. 1st Argument
1. Why He must exist
2. The problem of evil
C. 2nd argument
1. Continued existence requires God
2. God the artisan
D. Innate idea of God
E. Conclusion