Wednesday 7 February, Monday 12 February
I. 4th Meditation
A. Transition
B. Sources of Error
1. Modern secular view
2. Catholic View: Free Will
C. Free will.
1. Definition
2. How Conflicts Occur.
3. Sources of Errors
D. Clear and Distinct 3Idea of Free Will
1. Descartes' Bad Argument
2. Thanking God
3. Clear ideas = True ideas
E. Free Will and the external world
1. Descartes' Dualism
2. Common Sense (?)
3. Alternative Positions
F. Free Will and the external world
1. Descartes' Mirror of Nature
2. Common Sense (?)
3. Alternative Positions
G. Transition
II. 6th Meditation
A. Imagination
1. Not part of essence
2. Completion of circle
B. Mind/Body Relation
1. Ideas and senses
2. Mind/body Connection
a. 2 grounds for skepticism.
C. Physical Objects
1. Imagination
2. Cataloging my ideas
a. Sensation
D. My body
1. phantom limb
a. 2 kinds of skepticism.
b. I am distinct from my body
2. Change/Substance
3. The body Exists
4. 'Pilot in the Ship'
a. Recent Views
b. How perception works
c. Learning from nature
5. Body = Machine
a. Human action
6. Descartes Physiology
a. All parts of body connected
b. two way mind/body connection.
c. Why Consciousness?
III. Descartes¹ importance