Descartes' place in history
A. In the history of philosophy
the Greeks: Plato, and Aristotle
Medieval theology. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Christian reworking of Aristotle
René Descartes. 1596-1650
post Cartesian tradition., Locke, Spinoza, Hume, Kant
They all build on Descartes
20th century. logical positivism, Heidegger, Wittgenstein
They all offer critiques of Descartes
B. In history
100 years before his birth: Columbus goes to America
70 years before his birth, circumnavigation of globe
The new science of his day. Copernicus, Galileo, Newton
C. Descartes¹s Life
Born 31 March 1596 of noble family
Jesuit schooling. good Catholic education
The law degree
A very private man.
"Just as comedians are counseled not to let shame appear on their foreheads, and so put on a mask: so likewise now that I am to mount the stage of the world, where I have so far been a spectator, I come forward in a mask."
(sometime after 1619)
Never married, he had a illegitimate child, who died young. Born1635, dies 1640 "the heaviest blow of my life"
1633 condemnation of Galileo by church
1628-49 Descartes lives in Holland, liberal politically
Descartes was a practicing Catholic.
"The Lord has made three marvels: things out of nothingness; free will; and the Man who is God."
What these all share. infinite united with finite.
He is careful to avoid conflict with the Church.
1644 "It is not my temperament to set sail against the wind"
Our text Meditations published 1641 in Latin, translated into French in 1647
Latin the international language of scholars.
The translation significant. Shows that there was interest, a public beyond scholars.
In 1649 Descartes goes to Sweden, teacher of Queen Christina. He writes verses for ballet
And gives her philosophy lessons at 5 am.
He dies of pneumonia, ll Feb, 1650.