What knowledge is
Knowledge is what is certain, or what there is good reason to think certain
Descartes needs to determine what is knowledge, and what is its foundation
Belief less secure. There is some reason to accept it
This is a different in security.
I know that the sun shines.
I look around.
I believe that the sun shines.
It was shining an hour ago, and I donšt think the weather has changes.
Analytic/Synthetic statements
Some statements true by definition
A bachelor is an unmarried male.
Others are justified by experience
80-100 is in a crowded classroom.
knowledge = justified true belief
true, excluding false (belief can be false)
justified, excluding being true but without good reasons
My knowledge has to be caused, or brought about the right way
I believe it is snowing. And it is snowing, so my belief is true
But I believe it is snowing because my astrological chart said it would snow today.
This isn't the right sort of source for knowledge
Astrology is a pseudo-science
I am right by coincidence, as it were.
Like dialing number at random and getting the person I want
I believe Susan approaches because I see a woman in a black coat, and I know she has a black coat
Maybe it isn't Susan. But someone else in black
But this at least gave some reason for my belief.
epistemology def.: Study of these standards for knowledge