Mill's Utilitarianism People have different tastes but they agree about desirability of pleasure This seems almost true by definition. We seek the pleasurable. Leaving aside saints, If you stay up late studying philosophy rather than go to a movie Is that because you seek a higher pleasure? Perhaps the account is true by definition: pleasure = whatever we seek The Greatest Good of Greatest Number We consider happiness of all concerned i.e. the sum of happiness How to calculate utility? Consider each individual's pleasures, then take the sum over all individuals. Objection. Utilities too difficult to calculate? Reply: we have learned from experience how to do this What would calculation require Minimally 1 scale of pleasures 2 capacity to sum them Proof of principle of utility What is desirable. What people desire no proof needed, because this self evident Happiness is desirable The only thing desirable as an end other things desirable as means to that end