Donald Davidson on Interpretation Explanation of action requires rationalization To rationalize is, literally, to give a reason for doing the action The answer to the question, 'why did you do suchandsuch?' What reason explains the action, given that actor has reasonable view of reason/action connection? (This is not rationalization in the everyday sense, as when I say, 'I couldn't help myself') Why did he turn on the light To read more comfortably. The reason rationalizes the action, i.e. explains why he did it. Different descriptions of action I flip the switch turn on the light illuminate the room alert the burglar cause the man to flee, and so to jump to his death. These are all descriptions of same action I know it under one description but not under another I intend to flip the switch but not to alert the burglar but that is the same event Not something additional I do, like: flipping the switch and then walking into the room Important that we can talk this way, knowing an action under a description This itself requires a language Hard to imagine analogous talk about languageless animals. The dog comes to (the woman he knows to be) his owner The dog comes to the Nobel prize winner. Consider the famous dramatic example. Oedipus wanted to kill the man X he encountered at the crossroads He didn't want to kill his father Laiüs He desired to sleep with the woman Y he met. He didn't desire to sleep with his mother Jocasta X = Laïus, Y Jocasta, but Oedipus didn't know that And yet he did. He didn't intentionally kill his father even though He intentionally killed the man and the man was his father What we know determines here what we can do intentionally. For Davidson, rationalization is causal explanation The action is performed because agent had reason That reason then the cause. For example: She stayed up late because she wanted to do a good job on the philosophy paper The 2nd element, the wish, is the case of the action of staying up late. Wayward causal chains are complex. I shoot at Peter. I miss, but my shot causes a stampede of pigs who trample him to death. I intentionally fired the shot But I didn't intentionally cause the stampede I did kill him, but not intentionally My action was the cause of his death But I did not intend to kill him in this way