John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1688 Locke 1632-1704 . note overlap with Descartes, 1596-1650 In the background, English revolution and beheading of king 1649 Execution of Charles I. By 1690 Restoration All this made just government difficult (and important) to justify. Adam had no natural rights. Nor did his heirs. God gave him right to world God makes the earth, the animals; and man. God gave world to all men Eve subject to her husband The natural basis for rule of family by the husband What rights are there in state of nature? Def. state of nature = a world without any commonly accepted central authority Locke wants some rational basis for authority He wants to find some reason we ought to obey What Locke really worried about is lawless state when monarch deposed Slavery just when slaves defeated in just war Slavery continuation of war ended by contract This is a rational agreement Locke believed that the wars of the Royal Africa Company were just wars And so slavery of Africans in Virginia (1698) was legitimate. Personal property justified Property created by mixing labor with nature create property This initially an agricultural model So problem is: How to distribute products of labor fairly Nature given by God Property human creation European conquest of Americas was a just taking of underutilized property Individual property. You are allowed as much as you can cultivate That would be a limited amount of property Money then allows accumulation of capitol. From an agricultural to a capitalist economy. Now much greater property differences are justifiable. We quit state of nature to preserve property. But we do not accept arbitrary laws The end of government is Good of community. Protection of Property. So when it fails to do that, it is suspended. We have the right of rebellion. When legislators put themselves in state of war with people all obligations to obey are suspended Sources of this breakdown Ambition, Fear, Folly, Corruption This defines the recreation of state of nature Obligations cancelled Dissolving of social contract. Locke thus explains: 1. What is a legitimate state 2. How a legitimate state is created from nothing 3. The basis for property, and slavery 4. What goals the state serves 5. When it is dissolved