The definition of Acting freely 5 relevant considerations (This is only the partial sketch of a full analysis. Our aim is to motivate the discussion of Rousseau.) 1. acting without coercion That is, Making genuine choices 2. But we always act for reasons except in special cases Can answer the question: 'Why did you do that', when we act freely, I drank because I was thirsty 3. So ask- Do the reasons compel us ? If so, in that sense we are never free Does thirst compel me to drink I say 'I couldn't help myself' - that seems to admit that I am not free 4. Still there is an obvious difference between accepting reason which is 'internal' i.e. in our minds and being forced by external authority the former is a reason that makes sense to me My reason My free action is part of a life plan I have chosen 5. We are free when the compelling reasons are internal They are reasons we accept I act freely doing what I think is right I teach the class and students show up for the exam Are you free not to take the exam? Obviously!- for some people don't attend You are free to act otherwise but then suffer the consequences which such that you want to avoid them You are free not to take the exam But not free to avoid penalty for not taking it.