lecture notes 7/16/01
Singer Chapt 2
- Animals are caused to suffer in (some) experiments to varying degrees.
- Animal research
- Animal experimentation
- Cosmetics testing
- Animal experimentation isn't necessary.
- Only 3.5% of the fall in the overall death rate between 1910 and 1984 can be attributed to medical interventions (and the contribution of animal experimentation can be at most only a tiny fraction of this contribution).
- If animal experimentation stopped, alternative methods not requiring animals would be found.
- The moral justification of animal experimentation can't be settled by pointing out the research benefits (91)
- Experimenting on humans has contraints; similiar constraints should apply to animals
- Is the analogy to humans tight?
- It is morally justified to experiment on animals if and only if the experiment is so important that the use of a brain-damaged human would also be justified.
- Treat Natl Assoc for Biomedical Research as General Motors (93)
- Distributive justice issue (92)
- (Distributive justice concerns the ethical appropriateness of which recipients get which benefits and burdens)
- Developing countries don't have the same medical knowledge as the industrialized nations
- If people really cared about human health they would make more of an effort to apply the procedures and medicines that we have already to 3rd world countries in need.
- Distribute the knowledge
- Relevance?