80-136 HW 2
Email me your assignment by 1:30 Monday, July 16.
Give an explication of Singer's moral claim concerning animal research.
You should:
- List each premise in a logical order
- Number each premise
- Cite page numbers, when appropriate
- Supply and label missing premises
- If a proposition follows from earlier propositions in the explication, cite the earlier propositions by number
- Give all and only the propositions necessary for the conclusion (i.e., to make it deductively valid)
- Supply an short, indented explication for the inductive (empirical) claim that animal research causes animals to suffer.
- See friday's lecture notes for examples on how to create indented explications.
- Dont' go overboard with the indented explication of the empircal claim: a few lines of support will suffice. It should be just enough to be fair to Singer's argument without listing each and every example.
Extra credit:
- Do you think the inductive claim is strong? Why or why not? (1-2 sentences)
As always, please email me with any questions.