80-136 HW 3
updated on 7/23 11:25am
Email me your assignment by 1:30 Tuesday, 7/23.
Watch Gattaca. Then:
- Identify the various ethical dilemmas and public policies in Gattaca's hypothetical society. Include both the explicit and the implicit dilemmas and policies.
- Drawing upon your reading, conduct a moral assessment of that society. Argue for or against each policy. Include citations where appropriate.
- Think about the hypothetical society in toto -- not just what's on the silver screen, but what is implicit, or implied by what is presented.
- Don't write a film review. Write a philosophy piece. Think about the film as a window into a possible world that you wish to comment on.
- Hint: It may be useful to think about the following topics:
- Bad genetic luck and the natural bases of inequality
- equality of opportunity
- genetic determinism
- genetic discrimination
- stigmatization
- the public health model vs. the personal health model
- the individual vs. the state
- the right to privacy vs. the duty to warn (a family member, the public, etc.)
- "the 'normalization' of genetic information and the notion of our citizenry" (GRHR 48)
- social vs. natural inequalities
- Hint: It may be helpful to review Burley's discussion of her hypothetical society.
- added on 7/23:
- write a moral argument filled with normative claims and principles, not a description of Gattaca's society
- to the best of your ability, employ the ethical and gen-ethical vocabulary we've been studying (i.e., moral concepts such as personal autonomy, reproductive freedom, distributive justice, consequentialist, etc., as well as such FCC terms as direct/indirect interventions, genetic determinism, public health model, etc.)
- keep it short: say just enough to prove your claims. unnecessary baggage will count against you
- confine your remarks to 500 words
As always, please email me with any questions.