Causation in Populations: Section 5000: Exercise 1
Exercise Context:
The causal structure for this causal system can be represented in a matrix that displays all the possible causal "situations" and the resulting effects, like we showed above for Sam and malaria. That matrix is started below. It has all the possible causal situations filled in. You need to complete it by adding the effect for each causal situation. The result is a representation of the causal structure you discovered previously. You add the effect by clicking on the empty cell on each row one. After you click on it once, a pop-down menu will appear that allows you to select either "Ulcer" or "No ucler". Click on the effect you want in that row and it will be written in. Then move on to the next row. Once you have filled in an effect for all the rows, click on "submit" to check your answer. If it isn't correct, you can modify the table and submit again.