ERMII: First readings
Due : Thursday 1/20/2000
To answer these questions,
read the distributed paper “Evaluating Academic Advising in a Multiversity
Setting” by Hanson and Raney. Your typed
answers should not take much more than a page.
However, they should reflect deep thought on your part. On Thursday in class, we will discuss your
answers to these questions and begin to talk about how one could evaluated
academic advising at CMU.
1. Given the large number of
respondents to the survey, do you think that the 39% response rate is a
problem? What evidence is there that it
may or may not be?
Thought questions: What’s
more important, the overall number of responses, or the response rate? Would they have done better to approach a
smaller sample of students and attempt to increase the response rate?
2. “Overall 72% of the
respondents indicated that they had been advised.” Ignoring the possible nonresponse problem, do you think this
figure is an accurate representation of students’ usage of academic advising
3. What do you think was the
purpose of the focus groups? Did they
accomplish this purpose?
4. Summative evaluations are
intended to measure the quality of a program or service. Formative evaluations are intended, in
addition, to provide guidance about how to improve the program or service. How do you think this study stacks up as a
summative evaluation of academic advising at the University of Texas Austin? What about as a formative evaluation? What are its weakness on both of these
Extra credit: What is a “multiversity?”