88-241, Spring 2000
Due: Tuesday, April 11th
"Grasping the
Democratic Peace," Russett, pp. 72-86
up short answers to the following questions about the Russett reading, and turn
them in as hardcopy at the beginning of class on Tuesday, April 11th.
1. What is the dependent variable in Russett's
paper? What is the main independent
2. What are the units in the sample?
3. List 3 counfounders that Russett
considers. For each confounder,
calculate the bias. That is, for each
confounder: consider the following
b is the sign of the correlation between the confounder and the independent
variable, and c the sign of the effect of the confounder on the dependent
variable. Make a plausible guess as to
the signs of b and c, and then describe what would happen to the estimate of
the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable were these
confounders left unmeasured.
4. What is the sign of the bivariate
relationship between alliance and conflict?
What is the sign of the relationship once possible confounders are
controlled for?