1936 |
March -- Photographer Dorothea Lange
visits a pea-pickers' camp in California's San Joaquin Valley and takes
photographs of harvest workers. The images, especially those in the "Migrant
Mother Series," vividly illustrated the plight of the workers. The San
Francisco News ran the photo essay under the headline, "Ragged, Hungry,
Broke, Harvest Workers Live in Squallor (sic)." |
October -- The San Francisco News publishes a
series of articles written by John Steinbeck called "The Harvest Gypsies."
The series explored the hardships faced by those living and working in
migrant labor camps. Steinbeck wrote, "...One has only to go into the squatters'
camps where the families live on the ground and have no homes...to look
at the strong purposeful faces, often filled with pain...to know that this
new race is here to stay and that heed must be taken of it." |
November -- FDR is elected to his second term
as president, winning every state in the Union except Maine and Vermont.
FDR defeated Kansas Governor Alfred M. Landon. |