Section 3
I. Policy Implementation
We have discussed policy analysis and policy formulation. Now after all
of the planning it is time to implement.
3 main stages in the implementation of a policy.
II. Stage 1 - present arguments for and demonstrations
of the need for a change
- Congressional testimony- for example, hospital administrators and policy
analysts appear before the congress to give expert testimony
- Based on facts and statistics
- Can bring in "grass roots" people to testify
III. Stage 2 - determining a general "outline"
of a new system
- When the policy is implemented what change is expected
- Who will be affected: consumers, providers (hospitals- finances, services
provided, physicians, govt. agencies)
- Present the how's and whys to public in advance of implementation
IV. Stage 3 - carry the policy into full affect.
(Test a new model)
- Have support people to verbally and operationally bolster the policy
- Structure the implementation to have it respond to the clients needs
(always try to find a good aspect for everyone)
- Implement the policy so that the goal is evident to the public
- Have confidence in the policy
- Be ready to defend the policy
V. Collect data on policy implementation
- This data will be used in the policy evaluation phase E.g.:
- How many people has the policy impacted
- Is this above or below expectations
- Are these people in the target population
- Is the policy producing change
- Are people aware of the policy
- Are changes needed in implementation. E.g.. Is it costly and timely
to implement