Before coming to the Heinz School, Andrew McIlroy had a wide and varied career. For two years he served as a junior high school English teacher in a small town in central Japan. He is happy to report that all the children in this town can now say: "Hey, you have good hair." Before that, he was a graduate student in American History and a residence hall director and admissions counselor for a small college near Philadelphia. McIlroy is a proud graduate of St. Olaf College, located in Northfield, Minnesota where he studied history and traveled broadly in the Middle East and Europe. He stresses that St. Olaf College has nothing to do with the Golden Girls from NBC. Those who think it might should find something better to do with their time than watch TV. Post-graduation info: Budget and Policy Analyst, Office of the Independent Chief Financial Officer, Budget and Planning, 1 Judiciary Square, 441 4th St. NW, Washington, DC. (202) 727-6343.

A graduate of the journalism school at the University of Missouri, Catherine Senderling covered monks, city hall fights, beer festivals, local politicians, and old women for the Jasper (IN) Herald before coming to the Heinz School. In addition to her responsibilities as a co-leader of the group, Cathy has been involved in a host of activities at CMU, including Student Senate, which she chaired, tutoring children with the I Have a Dream program, and organizing outings to hockey games. She aspires to be president, but plans to work at something where she can use a computer until she turns 35. Post-graduation info: Fiscal and Policy Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office, 925 L Street, Suite 925, Sacramento, CA 95833. (916) 445-6061 ext.254.

Brendan Abbott
completed his undergraduate work at Augusta College in Georgia where he majored in Drama & Theater. While he started at the Heinz School as a Master of Arts Management Student, he is now an MS student with a concentration in management. Brendan will pursue a career in consulting. Please say "hello" to his beautiful fiancee, Michelle. Post-graduation info: Consultant, Deloitte & Touche.

A lover of squirrels and other furry things, Joseph Boyles majored in Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, where he learned a wealth of trivia about natural phenomena. Before returning to Carnegie Mellon, Joe worked in child welfare in his native Butler County. With a Policy Analysis concentration, Joe also will pursue a career in public sector consulting with American Management Service.

Donna Shen majored in Sociology at Georgetown University. At Heinz, she serves as a teaching assistant for speech classes. Now that the Greatful Dead are no longer touring, Donna expects she will be forced to get a job following graduation. Post-graduation info: Special Assitant and Presidential Management Intern, Office of Secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Wasington, DC.

Agnes Briones grew up in the Bay area of California. Upon finishing her degree in Health Sciences at San Francisco State University, Agnes worked for nonprofit community assistance organization. Ms. Briones interned with the City of San Francisco this summer. She too will work in public sector consulting for Deloitte and Touche following graduation. Post-graduation info: Consultant, Deloitte and Touche Consulting Group, 2335 American River Rd., Sacramento, CA 95825. (916) 569-3942.

Chien-Cheng Chen is from Taiwan where he had a happy childhood. He likes his mother’s cooking, Disneyworld and riding in fast cars. He aspires to complete a Ph.D. and save the world. Post-graduation info: Ph.D Candidate, Graduate School of Public Administration, State University of New York at Albany.

Following graduation from Rutgers University with a B.A. in political science, Leslie Kozler relocated to Pittsburgh where her brief career as a downtown messenger honed her knowledge of Pittsburgh city streets which has been an invaluable asset to the group. A joint Master of Arts Management, University of Pittsburgh Law School student, Leslie also provided expert legal advice to the group. Leslie will graduate in May with a both a M.A.M. degree and a law degree. She intends to pursue a career defending nude performance artists and fighting to maintain NEA funding for all art work that offends Jessie Helms.

A Certified Public Accountant, Michelle Meschkat boasts a wide range of experience in the corporate sector. She is a graduate of the Notre Dame College of Ohio, where she majored in accounting. Michele looks forward to finishing her joint Heinz-G.S.I.A degree. With her hairy friend, Mr. Cassius, she can often be seen strolling the streets of Shadyside. Post-graduation info: Manager, Ernst & Young LLP.

Koji Shimbayashi is a native of Wakayama, Japan, famous for delicious oranges and beautiful mountains. Koji is a graduate of Kyoto University and worked for Daiwa Securities before coming to Heinz. Koji has enjoyed traveling in the US and around the world during his stray in Pittsburgh. Post-graduation info: Manager, Corporate Planning Department, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd., 15-6 Fuyuki Kotoku, Tokyo 135 Japan. +81-3-5620-5437.

One of systems project necessities is caffeine. Since Joe brought in a coffee maker to the systems room last year, we have consumed appoximately 300 coffee filters and 20 bags of coffee. We covered most of flavors like hazelnut, irish cream, french vanilla. Our favorites were houseblends from Kiva Han, Java sonata, and Starbucks. Here you see the coffeemaker and coffee mugs.

Nathan Houser, sometimes called Doogie or schnauzer by his friends, did his undergraduate work at Carnegie Mellon in Civil Engineering. As a student at CMU, he worked in residence life and could often be seen scurrying from one end of campus to another. He also coordinated and masterminded the annual CMU spring carnival. Eager to combine his policy and MIS studies at the Heinz School with his engineering skills, Nathan plans a career with Deloitte and Touche upon graduation. Post-graduation info: Consultant, Deloitte and Touche Consulting Group, 1000 One PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 14221. (412) 402-5352.

Co-leader William Morrow majored in Economics at Western Colorado State College. He also worked as a computer consultant to plant nurseries. Will believes that "matrices are the cornerstone of policy analysis." Post-graduation info: Chief of Information Processing, Maryland State Department of Education.

Will: So, what do you guys think is the best way to present this data?
Sungsoo: What data?

1-27-97, 10:20 pm, overheard at the one of jail boys meetings, A109 Hamburg Hall

A native of Korea, Sungsoo Sohn came to the Heinz school to pursue his Master Degree in Public Policy. Eventhough he will resume his work as a data analyst and system engineer in a private firm upon graduation, since his life-time dream is to be director of an urban-setting police bureau, he has been grateful to the education he acquired here at the Heinz school. He is especially glad to join the Alternative Service Delivery Systems Group, since the project is well-rounding out his methodology-oriented Heinz experience. As a jail boy, he conducted some of the library research and analysis and he was responsible for developing the project homepage. Post-graduation info: IT Specialist, Division of e-business Solution Services, IBM Corp. Global Services - Korea, +82-2-781-6173.