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Up: Various Class Policies
Previous: Policy on Format of
- Due and return dates for assignments are in the syllabus in the
schedule section. Unless the instructor or TA announce otherwise,
these dates are binding.
- Late assignments are not accepted without either prior arrangement
or compelling reason.
- Assignments and homeworks may be picked up from the TA.
You are responsible for picking them up. You are responsible for
keeping them to compare against your final grade. I will use
whatever grade I have recorded for your work (even if you think
there is an error) unless you can show me the graded work so that
I can see the error.
- You are responsible for collecting your graded work. Claims by
students similar to ``I turned in homework #2, but I don't have
a copy of it because you did not return it to me!'' must be made
within one week of the return date of the assignment. If you
fail to make the complaint, I will use whatever grade I have in
my records.
Next: Topics
Up: Various Class Policies
Previous: Policy on Format of
William B Vogt