4.57     (30 points)






c.                   For a poisson random variable, we have:

So, to calculate the given probability we would have to evaluate the following sum:

Which, incidentally, gives P(x£122)»0.3

d.                  The poisson model requires that the probability of the event occuring in a given unit of time is the same for all units.  Thus, if the probability of a bank failure differed from one year to the next between 1988 and 1994, the poisson model would be inappropriate.  Also, the number of bank failures in each year must be independent of the number in other years.


7.75          (20 points)

Because the sample size n is large relative to the population size N, it is necessary to adjust the standard error of the estimator by a finite population correction factor:


Thus a 95% confidence interval is given by:


Minitab Macro (25 points)


Here is the macro file:





# k1=counter

# k2=number of iterations

# k3=sample size

# k4=lambda


Let k5=1/k4


Do k1=1:k3

  Let C3(k1)=0



name C2 'Time'

name C3 'Event'


Do k1=1:k2

Random k3 C1;

  Exponential k5.

Let C2 = PARS(C1)

Plot C3*C2;


  Title "Poisson Process";







It is executed with the following commands in the command line editor:


let k2=5

let k3=10

let k4=.83



Here are the plots:


Chattergee – Mortgage Rates (25 points)


Here are the descriptive statistics by type:


Descriptive Statistics


Variable   0=Fixed           N       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev

Rate       0                14      7.357      7.313      7.354      0.404

           1                 6      4.917      4.750      4.917      0.645


Variable   0=Fixed     SE Mean    Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3

Rate       0             0.108      6.750      8.000      7.062      7.594

           1             0.264      4.250      6.000      4.438      5.437


The confidence interval is constructed as:

Where ta/2 is based on (n-1) degrees of freedom.


For fixed rate mortgages we have:

For variable rate mortgages: