H. John Heinz
Information System (
on the above links for GIS instructional videos or GIS PowerPoint Slides.
Kristen Kurland
College of Fine Arts, 2102A Hamburg Hall
e-mail : kurland@andrew.cmu.edu
WEB Site:
This course uses a Blackboard WEB site. Assignments, readings, correspondence, etc
will be posted here.
Be sure to check this site regularly
for updates.
URL to Course: http://www.cmu.edu/blackboard
Information Systems (GIS) are computerized systems designed for the storage,
retrieval and analysis of geographically referenced data. GIS uses advanced analytical tools to explore at a
scientific level the spatial relationships, patterns, and processes of
cultural, biological, demographic, economic, geographic, and physical phenomena.
course covers underlying geographic concepts (world coordinate system and
projections, vector map topology, tiled and layered maps), map design and
outputs, geodatabases, importing
spatial and attribute data, digitizing, geocoding, spatial data processing, and
advanced spatial analysis. Other topics such as raster integration, Internet enabled GIS, 3D analysis, network,
and advanced spatial analysis will also be addressed. The technical focus of
the course includes computer lab tutorials and case studies using the leading desktop GIS software, ArcGIS, from
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)
areas covered in this course include city and regional planning, community
planning and economic and development, education, election, and environmental studies, housing and property
evaluation, transit and transportation issues, land use, historic studies,
crime analysis and policing, emergency management, public works utilities, census population and demographic
studies, health, and business uses including marketing, advertising, and site
By the end
of the course, students will have sufficient background to identify spatial
characteristics of diverse application areas enabling them to integrate spatial
thinking and GIS analysis into their
academic research and careers.