Links |
The Art of War |
This is the required textbook of the course available online (Translated by Lionel Giles) |
Honeynet Project |
Collection of observations from the Honeynet Project, talking about the hacker community. | |
This site has a lot of information about encryption from one of its leading (unclassified) practitioners. Their electronic newsletter "Cryptogram" is well worth reading. |
Dumpster Diving |
Here is an interesting article on dumpster diving, stressing the need toinclude trash as part of physical security. |
Hacker Crackdown |
This is a reasonably thorough discussion of some of the roots of the Internet and of crackers/defenders/civil libertarians on the Net. |
StuxNet |
Read about the Stuxnet Worm, a self-propagating targeted attack that seems to have been directed against nuclear materials production. |
Warhol Worms |
Warhol worms - fast attack strategies on the Internet. |
Security Attribute |
Security Attribute Evaluation Method, a means of identifying useful overlapping layers of security controls. |
Strategic Studies Quarterly |
Spring 2011 (Vol 5, No 1) is a special issue on cyberwar, with some pretty prestigous contributors |
GreyLogic Cyber War Report |
A perspective on the state of cyberwar capabilities worldwide from the July 2008 Georgia Cyberattack until July 2009. |