Homework 5: Go Git and Fetch the Remote

This homework is due 10/17 at 6:30pm. Written answers should be submitted in file named ANDREWID.txt file to Autolab.

    • Briefly explain why git does not let us make commits directly on remote branches.
    • Briefly explain the difference between git fetch and git pull.

  1. Clone the repository located at andrewID@unix.andrew.cmu.edu:/afs/andrew/course/98/174/public/hw5repo.

    • What branches are present on the remote repository at the time you cloned it?
    • What changes were made between the chapter-2-avalanche and the chapter-2-yeti branches?
    • Create a new branch named chapter-2-andrewid (replacing andrewid with your actual andrew ID) and merge both versions of chapter 2 into it. As on the miderm, resolve conflicts as you see fit. (no written answer necessary for this part)
    • Push your newly created branch back up to the remote! (no written answer necessary for this part)