Homework 1: Gitting Started

Some questions will ask you to submit a file. You should combine all of your files into a zip folder named ANDREWID.zip and submit it on Autolab. Your zip folder should look like this:


  1. Install git on your personal computer. Instructions are on the course website. You don't have to write anything for this part.
  2. Create a new folder named question-2 and create an empty git repository inside.
  3. Clone the repository at https://github.com/stevemao/left-pad.
  4. In a file called question-4.txt, answer the following questions on separate lines:
    • What command is used to view the commit history of a repository?
    • Clone the repository at https://github.com/autolab/Autolab. Who (first name, last name) wrote the commit with the short hash 0acbffc? Use git commands to determine this.
    • Who is the creator of git?
    • Is git a CVCS or a DVCS?

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