Homework 1: Gitting Started

Some questions will ask you to submit a file. You should combine all of your files into a zip folder named ANDREWID.zip and submit it at this Dropbox File Request link.

  1. Install git on your personal computer. Instructions are on the course website. You don't have to write anything for this part.
  2. Create a new folder named question_2 and create an empty git repository inside.
  3. Clone the repository at https://github.com/stevemao/left-pad.
  4. In a file called question_4.txt, answer the following questions on separate lines:
    • What command is used to view the commit history of a repository?
    • Clone the repository at https://github.com/autolab/Autolab. Who (first name, last name) wrote the commit with the short hash dbf263c? Use git commands to determine this.
    • Who is the creator of git?
    • Is git a CVCS or a DVCS?

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