Homework 6: Fork and squash the bugs

This homework is due 3/28 at 11:59 p.m. This homework will require you to submit your work through GitHub.

  1. Fork the repository at https://github.com/ilanbiala/98-174-hw6.

  2. Make a second branch called squashed-develop with the same commits as develop. Squash these commits on the new branch into a new set of commits that group relevant changes into one commit. So for example, all the "testing" commits should be grouped into 1 commit with a commit message that clearly explains what the new commit changes.

    NOTE: Squashing commits is more of an art than a science, meaning some people prefer just 1 commit, some prefer multiple that group relevant changes into single commits, and some just do weird things (like not squashing before creating a pull request). Make sure to check what type of squashing conventions specific communities/organizations like to follow.

  3. Create a pull request with this new branch and the master branch on the original GitHub repository.