// PFQuery.m // Copyright 2011 Parse, Inc. All rights reserved. #import #import "PFConstants.h" #import "PFGeoPoint.h" #import "PFObject.h" #import "PFUser.h" /*! A class that defines a query that is used to query for PFObjects. */ @interface PFQuery : NSObject #pragma mark Query options /** @name Creating a Query for a Class */ /*! Returns a PFQuery for a given class. @param className The class to query on. @return A PFQuery object. */ + (PFQuery *)queryWithClassName:(NSString *)className; /*! Creates a PFQuery with the constraints given by predicate. The following types of predicates are supported: - Simple comparisons such as `=`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, and `BETWEEN` with a key and a constant. - Containment predicates, such as "x IN {1, 2, 3}". - Key-existence predicates, such as "x IN SELF". - BEGINSWITH expressions. - Compound predicates with `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT`. - SubQueries with "key IN %@", subquery. The following types of predicates are NOT supported: - Aggregate operations, such as `ANY`, `SOME`, `ALL`, or `NONE`. - Regular expressions, such as `LIKE`, `MATCHES`, `CONTAINS`, or `ENDSWITH`. - Predicates comparing one key to another. - Complex predicates with many ORed clauses. @param className The class to query on. @param predicate The predicate to create conditions from. */ + (PFQuery *)queryWithClassName:(NSString *)className predicate:(NSPredicate *)predicate; /*! Initializes the query with a class name. @param newClassName The class name. */ - (instancetype)initWithClassName:(NSString *)newClassName; /*! The class name to query for */ @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *parseClassName; /** @name Adding Basic Constraints */ /*! Make the query include PFObjects that have a reference stored at the provided key. This has an effect similar to a join. You can use dot notation to specify which fields in the included object are also fetch. @param key The key to load child PFObjects for. */ - (void)includeKey:(NSString *)key; /*! Make the query restrict the fields of the returned PFObjects to include only the provided keys. If this is called multiple times, then all of the keys specified in each of the calls will be included. @param keys The keys to include in the result. */ - (void)selectKeys:(NSArray *)keys; /*! Add a constraint that requires a particular key exists. @param key The key that should exist. */ - (void)whereKeyExists:(NSString *)key; /*! Add a constraint that requires a key not exist. @param key The key that should not exist. */ - (void)whereKeyDoesNotExist:(NSString *)key; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be equal to the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that must be equalled. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key equalTo:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be less than the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that provides an upper bound. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key lessThan:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be less than or equal to the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that must be equalled. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key lessThanOrEqualTo:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be greater than the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that must be equalled. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key greaterThan:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be greater than or equal to the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that must be equalled. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key greaterThanOrEqualTo:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be not equal to the provided object. @param key The key to be constrained. @param object The object that must not be equalled. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key notEqualTo:(id)object; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object to be contained in the provided array. @param key The key to be constrained. @param array The possible values for the key's object. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key containedIn:(NSArray *)array; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's object not be contained in the provided array. @param key The key to be constrained. @param array The list of values the key's object should not be. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key notContainedIn:(NSArray *)array; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's array contains every element of the provided array. @param key The key to be constrained. @param array The array of values to search for. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key containsAllObjectsInArray:(NSArray *)array; /** @name Adding Location Constraints */ /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's coordinates (specified via PFGeoPoint) be near a reference point. Distance is calculated based on angular distance on a sphere. Results will be sorted by distance from reference point. @param key The key to be constrained. @param geopoint The reference point. A PFGeoPoint. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key nearGeoPoint:(PFGeoPoint *)geopoint; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's coordinates (specified via PFGeoPoint) be near a reference point and within the maximum distance specified (in miles). Distance is calculated based on a spherical coordinate system. Results will be sorted by distance (nearest to farthest) from the reference point. @param key The key to be constrained. @param geopoint The reference point. A PFGeoPoint. @param maxDistance Maximum distance in miles. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key nearGeoPoint:(PFGeoPoint *)geopoint withinMiles:(double)maxDistance; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's coordinates (specified via PFGeoPoint) be near a reference point and within the maximum distance specified (in kilometers). Distance is calculated based on a spherical coordinate system. Results will be sorted by distance (nearest to farthest) from the reference point. @param key The key to be constrained. @param geopoint The reference point. A PFGeoPoint. @param maxDistance Maximum distance in kilometers. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key nearGeoPoint:(PFGeoPoint *)geopoint withinKilometers:(double)maxDistance; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's coordinates (specified via PFGeoPoint) be near a reference point and within the maximum distance specified (in radians). Distance is calculated based on angular distance on a sphere. Results will be sorted by distance (nearest to farthest) from the reference point. @param key The key to be constrained. @param geopoint The reference point. A PFGeoPoint. @param maxDistance Maximum distance in radians. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key nearGeoPoint:(PFGeoPoint *)geopoint withinRadians:(double)maxDistance; /*! Add a constraint to the query that requires a particular key's coordinates (specified via PFGeoPoint) be contained within a given rectangular geographic bounding box. @param key The key to be constrained. @param southwest The lower-left inclusive corner of the box. @param northeast The upper-right inclusive corner of the box. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key withinGeoBoxFromSouthwest:(PFGeoPoint *)southwest toNortheast:(PFGeoPoint *)northeast; /** @name Adding String Constraints */ /*! Add a regular expression constraint for finding string values that match the provided regular expression. This may be slow for large datasets. @param key The key that the string to match is stored in. @param regex The regular expression pattern to match. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key matchesRegex:(NSString *)regex; /*! Add a regular expression constraint for finding string values that match the provided regular expression. This may be slow for large datasets. @param key The key that the string to match is stored in. @param regex The regular expression pattern to match. @param modifiers Any of the following supported PCRE modifiers: - `i` - Case insensitive search - `m` - Search across multiple lines of input */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key matchesRegex:(NSString *)regex modifiers:(NSString *)modifiers; /*! Add a constraint for finding string values that contain a provided substring. This will be slow for large datasets. @param key The key that the string to match is stored in. @param substring The substring that the value must contain. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key containsString:(NSString *)substring; /*! Add a constraint for finding string values that start with a provided prefix. This will use smart indexing, so it will be fast for large datasets. @param key The key that the string to match is stored in. @param prefix The substring that the value must start with. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key hasPrefix:(NSString *)prefix; /*! Add a constraint for finding string values that end with a provided suffix. This will be slow for large datasets. @param key The key that the string to match is stored in. @param suffix The substring that the value must end with. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key hasSuffix:(NSString *)suffix; /** @name Adding Subqueries */ /*! Returns a PFQuery that is the or of the passed in PFQuerys. @param queries The list of queries to or together. @result a PFQuery that is the or of the passed in PFQuerys. */ + (PFQuery *)orQueryWithSubqueries:(NSArray *)queries; /*! Adds a constraint that requires that a key's value matches a value in another key in objects returned by a sub query. @param key The key that the value is stored @param otherKey The key in objects in the returned by the sub query whose value should match @param query The query to run. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key matchesKey:(NSString *)otherKey inQuery:(PFQuery *)query; /*! Adds a constraint that requires that a key's value NOT match a value in another key in objects returned by a sub query. @param key The key that the value is stored @param otherKey The key in objects in the returned by the sub query whose value should match @param query The query to run. */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key doesNotMatchKey:(NSString *)otherKey inQuery:(PFQuery *)query; /*! Add a constraint that requires that a key's value matches a PFQuery constraint. This only works where the key's values are PFObjects or arrays of PFObjects. @param key The key that the value is stored in @param query The query the value should match */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key matchesQuery:(PFQuery *)query; /*! Add a constraint that requires that a key's value to not match a PFQuery constraint. This only works where the key's values are PFObjects or arrays of PFObjects. @param key The key that the value is stored in @param query The query the value should not match */ - (void)whereKey:(NSString *)key doesNotMatchQuery:(PFQuery *)query; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Sorting /** @name Sorting */ /*! Sort the results in ascending order with the given key. @param key The key to order by. */ - (void)orderByAscending:(NSString *)key; /*! Also sort in ascending order by the given key. The previous keys provided will precedence over this key. @param key The key to order bye */ - (void)addAscendingOrder:(NSString *)key; /*! Sort the results in descending order with the given key. @param key The key to order by. */ - (void)orderByDescending:(NSString *)key; /*! Also sort in descending order by the given key. The previous keys provided will precedence over this key. @param key The key to order bye */ - (void)addDescendingOrder:(NSString *)key; /*! Sort the results in descending order with the given descriptor. @param sortDescriptor The NSSortDescriptor to order by. */ - (void)orderBySortDescriptor:(NSSortDescriptor *)sortDescriptor; /*! Sort the results in descending order with the given descriptors. @param sortDescriptors An NSArray of NSSortDescriptor instances to order by. */ - (void)orderBySortDescriptors:(NSArray *)sortDescriptors; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Get methods /** @name Getting Objects by ID */ /*! Returns a PFObject with a given class and id. @param objectClass The class name for the object that is being requested. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @result The PFObject if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ + (PFObject *)getObjectOfClass:(NSString *)objectClass objectId:(NSString *)objectId; /*! Returns a PFObject with a given class and id and sets an error if necessary. @param objectClass The class name for the object that is being requested. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result The PFObject if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ + (PFObject *)getObjectOfClass:(NSString *)objectClass objectId:(NSString *)objectId error:(NSError **)error; /*! Returns a PFObject with the given id. This mutates the PFQuery. It will reset limit to `1`, skip to `0` and remove all conditions, leaving only `objectId`. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @result The PFObject if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ - (PFObject *)getObjectWithId:(NSString *)objectId; /*! Returns a PFObject with the given id and sets an error if necessary. This mutates the PFQuery. It will reset limit to `1`, skip to `0` and remove all conditions, leaving only `objectId`. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result The PFObject if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ - (PFObject *)getObjectWithId:(NSString *)objectId error:(NSError **)error; /*! Gets a PFObject asynchronously and calls the given block with the result. This mutates the PFQuery. It will reset limit to `1`, skip to `0` and remove all conditions, leaving only `objectId`. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @param block The block to execute. The block should have the following argument signature: (NSArray *object, NSError *error) */ - (void)getObjectInBackgroundWithId:(NSString *)objectId block:(PFObjectResultBlock)block; /*! Gets a PFObject asynchronously. This mutates the PFQuery. It will reset limit to `1`, skip to `0` and remove all conditions, leaving only `objectId`. @param objectId The id of the object being requested. @param target The target for the callback selector. @param selector The selector for the callback. It should have the following signature: (void)callbackWithResult:(PFObject *)result error:(NSError *)error. result will be nil if error is set and vice versa. */ - (void)getObjectInBackgroundWithId:(NSString *)objectId target:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Getting Users /*! @name Getting User Objects */ /*! Returns a PFUser with a given id. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @result The PFUser if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ + (PFUser *)getUserObjectWithId:(NSString *)objectId; /*! Returns a PFUser with a given class and id and sets an error if necessary. @param objectId The id of the object that is being requested. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result The PFUser if found. Returns nil if the object isn't found, or if there was an error. */ + (PFUser *)getUserObjectWithId:(NSString *)objectId error:(NSError **)error; /*! @deprecated Please use [PFUser query] instead. */ + (PFQuery *)queryForUser PARSE_DEPRECATED("Use [PFUser query] instead."); #pragma mark - #pragma mark Find methods /** @name Getting all Matches for a Query */ /*! Finds objects based on the constructed query. @result Returns an array of PFObjects that were found. */ - (NSArray *)findObjects; /*! Finds objects based on the constructed query and sets an error if there was one. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result Returns an array of PFObjects that were found. */ - (NSArray *)findObjects:(NSError **)error; /*! Finds objects asynchronously and calls the given block with the results. @param block The block to execute. The block should have the following argument signature:(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) */ - (void)findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:(PFArrayResultBlock)block; /*! Finds objects asynchronously and calls the given callback with the results. @param target The object to call the selector on. @param selector The selector to call. It should have the following signature: (void)callbackWithResult:(NSArray *)result error:(NSError *)error. result will be nil if error is set and vice versa. */ - (void)findObjectsInBackgroundWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector; /** @name Getting the First Match in a Query */ /*! Gets an object based on the constructed query. This method mutates the PFQuery instance. It will reset the limit to `1`. @result Returns a PFObject, or nil if none was found. */ - (PFObject *)getFirstObject; /*! Gets an object based on the constructed query and sets an error if any occurred. This method mutates the PFQuery instance. It will reset the limit to `1`. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result Returns a PFObject, or nil if none was found. */ - (PFObject *)getFirstObject:(NSError **)error; /*! Gets an object asynchronously and calls the given block with the result. This method mutates the PFQuery instance. It will reset the limit to `1`. @param block The block to execute. The block should have the following argument signature:(PFObject *object, NSError *error) result will be nil if error is set OR no object was found matching the query. error will be nil if result is set OR if the query succeeded, but found no results. */ - (void)getFirstObjectInBackgroundWithBlock:(PFObjectResultBlock)block; /*! Gets an object asynchronously and calls the given callback with the results. This method mutates the PFQuery instance. It will reset the limit to `1`. @param target The object to call the selector on. @param selector The selector to call. It should have the following signature: (void)callbackWithResult:(PFObject *)result error:(NSError *)error. result will be nil if error is set OR no object was found matching the query. error will be nil if result is set OR if the query succeeded, but found no results. */ - (void)getFirstObjectInBackgroundWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Count methods /** @name Counting the Matches in a Query */ /*! Counts objects based on the constructed query. @result Returns the number of PFObjects that match the query, or -1 if there is an error. */ - (NSInteger)countObjects; /*! Counts objects based on the constructed query and sets an error if there was one. @param error Pointer to an NSError that will be set if necessary. @result Returns the number of PFObjects that match the query, or -1 if there is an error. */ - (NSInteger)countObjects:(NSError **)error; /*! Counts objects asynchronously and calls the given block with the counts. @param block The block to execute. The block should have the following argument signature: (int count, NSError *error) */ - (void)countObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:(PFIntegerResultBlock)block; /*! Counts objects asynchronously and calls the given callback with the count. @param target The object to call the selector on. @param selector The selector to call. It should have the following signature: (void)callbackWithResult:(NSNumber *)result error:(NSError *)error. */ - (void)countObjectsInBackgroundWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)selector; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Cancel methods /** @name Cancelling a Query */ /*! Cancels the current network request (if any). Ensures that callbacks won't be called. */ - (void)cancel; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Pagination properties /** @name Paginating Results */ /*! A limit on the number of objects to return. The default limit is 100, with a maximum of 1000 results being returned at a time. Note: If you are calling findObject with limit=1, you may find it easier to use getFirst instead. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger limit; /*! The number of objects to skip before returning any. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger skip; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Cache methods /** @name Controlling Caching Behavior */ /*! The cache policy to use for requests. */ @property (assign, readwrite) PFCachePolicy cachePolicy; /* ! The age after which a cached value will be ignored */ @property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval maxCacheAge; /*! Returns whether there is a cached result for this query. @result YES if there is a cached result for this query, and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)hasCachedResult; /*! Clears the cached result for this query. If there is no cached result, this is a noop. */ - (void)clearCachedResult; /*! Clears the cached results for all queries. */ + (void)clearAllCachedResults; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Advanced Settings /** @name Advanced Settings */ /*! Whether or not performance tracing should be done on the query. This should not be set in most cases. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL trace; @end