I am the Frank A. and Helen E. Risch Assistant Professor of Operations Research at CMU Tepper. I completed my Ph.D. at the Operations Research Center at MIT.
My research interests are in statistics, optimization, and machine learning, with applications to operations management and medicine. I am currently funded by an NSF CAREER Award.
Finally, I've gotten to work with some fantastic Ph.D. students:
Conference Proceedings
Short-lived High-volume Bandits
with Su Jia, Nishant Oli, Ian Anderson, Paul Duff, and R Ravi
Dynamic Pricing with Monotonicity Constraint under Unknown Parametric Demand Model
with Su Jia and R Ravi
Markovian Interference in Experiments
NeurIPS'22 Oral Presentation (< 2%)
with Vivek Farias, Tianyi Peng, and Andrew Zheng
Winner, INFORMS Applied Probability Society Best Student Paper Prize, 2022
Winner, INFORMS RM&P Student Paper Award, 2022
Uncertainty Quantification for Low-Rank Matrix Completion with Heterogeneous and Sub-Exponential Noise
with Vivek Farias and Tianyi Peng
Greedy Approximation Algorithms for Active Sequential Hypothesis Testing
with Kyra Gan and Su Jia
Learning Treatment Effects in Panels with General Intervention Patterns
NeurIPS'21 Oral Presentation (< 1%)
with Vivek Farias and Tianyi Peng
Causal Inference with Selectively-Deconfounded Data
with Kyra Gan, Zachary Lipton, and Sridhar Tayur
Near-Optimal Entrywise Anomaly Detection for Low-Rank Matrices with Sub-Exponential Noise
with Vivek Farias and Tianyi Peng
Disposable Linear Bandits for Online Recommendations
with Melda Korkut
Optimizing Offer Sets in Sub-linear Time
with Vivek Farias and Deeksha Sinha
Optimal Recovery of Tensor Slices
with Vivek Farias
Completed Articles
Markdown Pricing Under Unknown Demand
with Ningyuan Chen, Su Jia and R Ravi
Online Resource Allocation with Predictions under Unknown Arrival Model
Major Revision in Management Science
with Lin An, Ben Moseley, and Gabriel Visotsky
Markdown Pricing Under an Unknown Parametric Demand Model
Major Revision in Management Science
with Su Jia and R Ravi
Learning Treatment Effects in Panels with General Intervention Patterns
Major Revision in Operations Research
with Vivek Farias and Tianyi Peng
Finalist, MSOM Best Student Paper Prize, 2022
Short-lived High-volume Multi-A(rmed)/B(andits) Testing
Major Revision in Operations Research
with Su Jia, Nishant Oli, Ian Anderson, Paul Duff, and R Ravi
Causal Inference with Selectively-Deconfounded Data
Major Revision in Management Science
with Kyra Gan, Zachary Lipton, and Sridhar Tayur
The Nonstationary Newsvendor with (and without) Predictions
Minor Revision in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
with Lin An, Ben Moseley, and R Ravi
Toward a Liquid Biopsy: Greedy Approximation Algorithms for Active Sequential Hypothesis Testing
Management Science
with Kyra Gan, Su Jia, and Sridhar Tayur
Co-winner, Pierskalla Best Paper Award, 2021
Optimizing Offer Sets in Sub-linear Time
Management Science, 2024
with Vivek Farias, Deeksha Sinha, and Andrew Zheng
Finalist, INFORMS RM&P Student Paper Award, 2020
Solving the Phantom Inventory Problem
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024
with Vivek Farias and Tianyi Peng
Protein Corona Sensor Array Nanosystem for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease
Small, 2024
with Gha Young Lee, Claudia Corbo et al.
Learning Preferences with Side Information
Management Science, 2021
with Vivek Farias
First Place, Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2017
Finalist, INFORMS Applied Probability Society Best Student Paper Prize, 2017
Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Hospital Re-admissions in Sickle Cell Disease
British Journal of Haematology, 2021
with Arisha Patel, Kyra Gan, Jeremy Weiss, Seyed Nouraie, Sridhar Tayur, and Enrico Novelli
Analysis of the Human Plasma Proteome Using Multi-Nanoparticle Protein Corona Characterization for Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2020
with Claudia Corbo, Omid Farokhzad et al.
Optimal Resource Consumption with an Application to Cloud Infrastructure via Data-Driven Prophet Inequalities
with Muhammad Amjad, Vivek Farias, and Devavrat Shah
Staffing to Stabilize Blocking in Loss Models with Time-Varying Arrival Rates
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2016
with Ward Whitt and Jingtong Zhao
Approximate Blocking Probabilities in Loss Models with Independence and Distribution Assumptions Relaxed
Performance Evaluation, 2014
with Ward Whitt
Ordered Multiplicity Lists for Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices Whose Graph is a Linear Tree
Discrete Mathematics, 2014
with Charles Johnson and Andrew Walker