Large-format color printing is also a service offered by Kinko's. The closest location is in Oakland on Forbes Avenue. Kinko's offers this service Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm only, the normal turnaround is 24 hours if there are no hassles sending the print. Kinko's has three standard paper sizes, and the costs are as follows:
Coated paper:
The cost is $12/sq ft. (our cost is $3/sq. ft.)
i.e. a 3'x1' poster will cost you $36.00 (our cost is $9.00)
Satin paper:
The cost is $14/sq. ft.
i.e. a 3'x1' poster will cost you $42.00 (we do not have satin paper)
Semi-gloss paper:
The cost is $16/sq. ft. (our cost is $6/sq. ft.)
i.e. a 3'x1' poster will cost you $48.00 (our cost is $18.00)
An additional $10 processing fee is assessed for any file submitted in its native form. Kinko's strongly suggests all files be submitted in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. If sending native files, Kinko's suggests sending the file along with the graphics and fonts used in the file.
Last updated 1/24/2000 by
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