Family House
Family House provides a special "home away from home" for adult patients and their families who must travel to Pittsburgh for treatment of serious or life-threatening illness. By offering convenient, affordable housing in a home-like environment, through a network of support, comfort, and compassion, Family House reduces emotional and financial stress for people facing a desperate medical crisis in a city where they are strangers
Service Opportunities:
Orienting families to the houses in Oakland-Providing the basic information families need with a reassuring welcome and helping them to find their way around Oakland, to and from the hospitals.
Maintaining contact with social workers-Volunteers assist the manager in receiving referral information and calling the appropriate social workers as rooms become available.
Switchboard-Each house has 39-40 guest rooms, incoming calls are connected with them or messages are taken. Volunteers also help with other clerical tasks.
Sue Schrenk, Director of Volunteers
233 McKee Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 647-5893