FreeWheelers is a program designed to bring wheelchair-using, frail, elderly, and disabled adult residents of nursing and personal care homes back into the community. A specially equipped bus which accomodates 10 wheelchairs and 10 volunteers takes FreeWheelers' guests on "Day on the Town" outings that can be anything from local shopping trips to cultural and sporting events. FreeWheelers go to the ballet, bowling, area museums, sporting events, folk festivals, amusement parks, river cruises, and much more. Most outings are highlighted by a meal in a restaurant or a picnic lunch.
Service Opportunities:
"Day on the Town" Companion- To push guests in wheelchairs, providing a listening ear and engaging in friendly conversation, enjoy lunch with guests (at no charge to volunteers), and assist guest as needed and as you are comfortable.
Kathy Laudano, Volunteer Coordinator
500 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 394-5343