Potluck...Arabic Food Sampler
 Friday(Nov 2) 9pm
Fairfax Apartment Building Community Room
Hi everyone, here is yet another ASO event, although this one is really great because it involves food.  Basically its a "potluck" style dinner where you bring food and if you want, some friends(as long as you bring enough food for your friends). If you plan on coming please email me with the dish you wish to bring and if you need parking(it will be provided behind my place). If you
aren't a good cook(*snicker*) or just don't feel like cooking, your contribution could be soda or something, email me and I'll tell ya.  Have a good one!!!



 *FROM OAKLAND- take Forbes past the Cathedral and make a left onto South
 Craig.  Make a right onto 5th Ave. and its the first big building
 on your right.
 *FROM CMU- take Fifth Ave past Morewood Ave., its the first building on
 your left after Neville St.

Map showing the way to Fairfax  from CMU